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Конференции - RU.FANTASY Весь текст 4146.17 Kb

январь 1996 - сентябрь 1996

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corporations, the fascists.

Even better -- there are no experts. What experts there are were wrong. No
one really knows anything, no one can define it, no one can predict where
it's going. Just like any good SF story, it is all possibility.

We just love monsters, don't we?

Join Blackwood and me this Sunday night at 10:30 ET in the Writers Workshop
for a discussion of this lovely monster, the Internet. What better topic for
horror writers than a really cool monster?

White Wolf  has reduced it's staff by 18% citing " a brief period of
overhiring." The cuts come in gaming and fulfillment departments. In a press
release, WW asserts it is "still financially viable and healthy (albeit a
little older and wiser.)" The schedule of releases for the Game Studio and
publishing divisions remain the same according to the release.

LOCUS, however, reports that WW was originally planning to publish five books
per month later this year and will cut that to four, possibly fewer some

WW had already announced a more selective approach to buying titles.

As reported earlier, Wizards of the Coast has dropped it's publishing program
entirely, firing 30 people. GDW (originally Game Designers Workshop) has
announced it's closing.

In the comics industry Marvel has laid off 275 people in its gaming, comics
and trading cards divisions and reportedly folded its Malibu Comics line. DC
Comics has also cut titles.
GEnie, long on the market, has announced a new pricing structure that's too
complicated to quote. As far as I can tell it looks like current  Genie users
get 9 hours a month for $18.95, new users pay $23.95 for this basic service.
Unlimited access to the Internet increases the rate to $29.95 and then GEnie
costs another $2.75 an hour. . . I'm confused, but it looks like it sucks.

AOL, Compuserve and Prodigy remain $9.95 a month for 5 hours with additional
hours at $2.95. For a comparison of all national ISPs check
http://www.accessone.com/~shwaap/onlinec/index.html. You can also compare
1,895 ISPs at http://www.thelist.com/
Lynda Malm (GMALM) sold short story "The Wounding" to PRISONERS OF THE NIGHT.
It will be in PRISONERS #10, summer, '96. . .Amy Grech (AGrech) sold "Dust"
to PHANTASMAGORIA; it will appear in either issue #3 or #4.
Clive Barker's new hardcover, SACRAMENT, will be out in July. According to
Publisher's Weekly, it "broadens Barker's appeal with a mainstream story of
human drama laced with his unique vision of the fate of our planet." Clive
Barker's "official" website is Web Of Lost Souls, check
http://www.barkerverse. com/ for updates.
WICKED MYSTIC #25 will be out about March 1. A delay was encountered because
the contracted printer refused to print it because of content. All right!
Seems WM ain't broadening it's appeal to the mainstream. Wicked Mystic is now
on the Net at http://www.wickedmystic.com. Check there for updates as to
availability and extreme stuff or email WickedMyst@aol.com to order a copy.
HELIOCENTRIC NET-The Web Site:  The Heliocentric NetPage is now up at
http://www.wolfeNet.com/~lbothell, and contains Heliocentric Mall (newsstand,
products, authors, and advertising info,) The Online NETWORK, the FLASHNET,
Media updates, product lists, a feedback form, ANTHOLOGY information and
updates, FAQS for writers, and more.

Heliocentric NETWORK now pays $5 for articles from freelancers,
Internet Copyright Registration: Federal copyright can now be registered on
the Internet at http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/copy1.html

PO Box 871
Babylon, NY 11702-0871
(no editor's name)

New professional magazine of gothic and psychological horror will publish
"prose fiction, artwork, critical essays and related material." An 8X11
magazine with color cover. They encourage new writers to submit.

Fiction should be "strongly plotted, have good characterization, be thought
provoking, and keep with the scope of the magazine."
Length: To 5000 words
Pay: 3c a word minimum
Poetry can range from "gothic to urban" in any style. No "epic" length. pay
starts at $25.
Reopened/new guidelines
Ms. Lin Stein, Editor
916 Shaker Road, Suite 228
Longmeadow, MA 01106-2416

Submissions open January 1 to May 31.
Length to 4500 words, query if longer
Pays 3-7c word
Also seeks novel excerpts from published/contracted work to 4800 words
Poetry to 32 lines
NEW guidelines, send SASE
D.E. Davidson, publisher
1202 West Market Street
Orrville, OH 44667-1710.
2000-6000 words, query if longer

New market, full-sized, quarterly; 40+ pages and b/w/ illos
No multiple submissions; simultaneous subs okay if identified as such
Pay: varies - $5 plus contributor's copy on publication; payment negotiable
for "one or two stories per issue by professional/name writers."
SASE for Gs

David Button
194 Station Road
King's Heath
Birmingham B14 ATE, UK

Prefers cutting edge horror
Professional rates
Deadline: February 29, 1996
Apollo Press
PO Box 63027
University Plaza
Dundas, Ontario, Canada L9H 4H0

3500-7500 word
Pays $100 (Canadian) on acceptance "more for exceptional quality"

Erotic, speculative fiction with strong female characters who "use their
charm, wit, and sexual powers to deadly conclusion. Preferred stories explore
erotic androids, artists, cyborgs, cyber-sexual simulacrums, metamorphs,
models, policewomen, robots, spies, scientists, soldiers, time travelers,
telepaths and terrorists involved in future and alternate world scenarios.

Stories must have intriguing, captivating plots. SF premise and sensual,
erotic thrills involving well-defined characters. Key to acceptance is the
character of the Deadly Beauty. . .sensual and seductive (who) lures her
victims (men and/or women) either consciously or involuntarily to their
destruction like a black widow spider. No feminist rhetoric."
Steven Pagel and Nicola Griffith, eds.
White Wolf Books
780 Park North Blvd, Suite 100
Clarkston GA 30021

The fantasy volume is full; the SF volume nearly full; the horror volume
still needs stories.
2000-8000 words 8c a word on acceptance.

Stories should center around lesbian and/or gay characters and be set in
milieu outside our conventional reality, no cliches, avoid stories on AIDs,
clones, vampires revenge, rape, the gay gene.
Don Hutchison
585 Merton St Toronto Ontario M4s 1b3
Stories set in Canada, can be set elsewhere only if author is Canadian; soft
horror, genuine chills rather than cheap shocks.
Pays: $100 (Canadian)/story
Ms Layne Gelfand
MKASHEF Enterprises
PO Box 688
Yucca Valley CA 922866
DF/H/P.Erotic vampire fiction, no porno, but explicit hetero/homosexuality
OK; no stereotyped vampires, singles club/bar scene, stranded travelers
rescued by mysterious strangers or AIDs stories.

Guideline and early submissions recommended,
Deadline: 3/31/96
Pays: 1c word on publication
Robert Hatch
White Wolf Publishing
780 Park North Blvd, Suite 100
Clarkston GA 30021
2000-8000 words
Stories set in milieu of forthcoming game: Vampire: The Dark Ages"
Work for hire/6% pro rata royalties.
Extensive guidelines-recommended; to request : SASE with 80c postage
Deadline June 15, 1996

MERMAID TAVERN. An Anthology of Dark Verse
Darius Leileigh, editor
Strait-Jacket Publications
PO Box 21, Cleveland, MN 56017-0021
Annual publication. Poetry only. Blank verse, free verse, avant garde,
traditional, literary. The Mermaid Tavern was the famous London meeting place
of the Friday Street Club, of which William Shakespeare, Sir Walter Raleigh,
John Donne, and Ben Jonson were notable members. They are specifically
seeking poems with either a darkly comedic or a tragic tale to tell. Prefer
poetry which is concerned with the projection of a descriptive image of
material things. Will consider everything from direct description to highly
personalized symbolism.   No haiku/Zen or short poems without imagery. No
science fiction, romantic fantasy or light verse. Long poems encouraged, but
don't send book-length manuscripts. Submit up to ten poems at one time. Open
to well-known authors, as well as writers of exciting promise. Payment in
copies or small cash amount, additional payment for exceptional work, usually
by established professionals. No deadline. First issue will close with notice
when filled. Send complete manuscripts (disposable copies only) and SASE.

Michele Patterson (MicheleCP) learned last week what it's like to assert an
opinion to you darklings. I wasn't privy to all her correspondence, but
suffice to say many wrote her with differing viewpoints of the Tarantino
flick. This one was sent to me and I have permission to share it with you:

From Rickenharp (John Shirley):
I think you missed the point in From Dusk till Dawn - it's a comic book, not
a vampire movie; it's S Clay Wilson; it's supposed to be absurd; personally I
thought the first hour was cool and hilarious. And the second hour was
ridiculous and hilarious. For me it was a great laugh-aloud comedy.  It had
its scary vampiric moments and I guess they were deceptive in the advertising
but it was clear from the start of viewing that one shouldn't expect the
usual material. It was just a wild, lunatic ride signifying nothing but cool
to see like a good tattoo.


As predicted last issue, Congress approved sweeping restrictions on online
speech and conduct, imposing fines of $250,000 and jail sentences of 2 years
for anyone who makes "indecent" material available in a public forum online.

An international protest is now planned for 48 hours after the president
signs the bill sometime this week. To know when the bill is signed, check
these sources, or watch CNN:
        Newsgroups: alt.society.civil-disob
        Email:vtw-announce@vtw.org (watch for mail on this list)

1) To join the protest TURN YOUR WORLD WIDE WEB PAGES BLACK with white
lettering to demonstrate that the Internet will not accept this kind of
second class treatment from the United States Government.

To turn your pages black with white lettering, simply add the following tag
to your World Wide Web pages: (put these all in <>'s)
BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#FFFFFF" link="0099ff" vlink="#00ff99" Put this
--- GoldED 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 84 of 140
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .pд 14 .ев 96 13:34
 To   : Alexey Kolpikov
 Subj : 2 Dark Fantasy/Horror Newsleter
.SPLIT: 14 Feb 96 13:49:36 @5030/207    9     02/02 +++++++++++
.Newsgroups: ru.fantasy
.Subject: Dark Fantasy/Horror Newsleter
.Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 13:34:21 +0000
.X-Newsreader: GoldED 2.50+
right after your tags, and before any  tags. To explain to people who may be
confused by the color change, temporarily add the following link to your
page: My World Wide Web Pages are
black for 48 hours to protest second-class treatment from the US Government
for free speech.  Read about it at this WWW page.
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