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январь 1996 - сентябрь 1996

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never affects the emotions or engages the mind.

Larry Friedman's intriguing cover design holds more fascination than
Gregory's writing.

Although it's pretty easy to set up your own webpage, authors might
appreciate a service that not only designs and maintains such, but
establishes it with what will become the first (and only, for now,) direct
sale horror bookshop on the internet: Darkest Heart Books.

Ever in the pursuit of income, as well as the more altruistic promotion of
horror and authors, DarkEcho has launched such a service.

I want to maintain that altruistic image here, so if you are interested
please email darkecho@aol.com for pricing and information..

I've recently updated my links. There are a number of new ones and I now have
50 horror writers linked. I think it may be the most complete list on the
'net. . .http://w3.gwis.com/~prlg.

Our guest last week in our workshop on opportunities for horror writing in
the youth and children's market told us she'd soon have a new writing test

We don't have that as yet. We'll let you know when we do.

Anyone interested in sharing show space at World Horror Convention 1996,
please E-mail RonaldJmes@aol.com and he will contact you about combining

He has experience with set up and presentation tips, promotional literature,
advertising specialties, custom apparel identifying your company, as well as
signage and any other related visual aids you may need at a reasonable price.

Also, if you've never done a convention, it gets  boring sitting around in a
booth all day while exciting things are going on just out of your sight.  It
helps to have others you can trade off the tedious tending of the booths with
and go have fun.

This is strictly  cooperative opportunity he has no official affiliation with
the convention or AOL.

Christopher Holliday is producing a wonderful and current listing of Science
Fiction, Fantasy and Horror short story markets, in an easy to use reference
format. THE MARKET LISTS goal is "to help you publish. Professional writing
is more than just the process of creating captivating fiction, it's about
sending what you write to buying markets.  If your work isn't in the mail,
you can't sell it."

They also try to provide some helpful information, such as tips on manuscript
preparation, addresses for other resources, a sampling of short fiction and
critiques, and in the future, the complete guidelines from each of the
markets we list.

Both the Windows version and ASCII version of THE MARKET LIST should show up
in the Business of Writing Library  (Keyword: Writers) on AOL in the next day
or two.

It is FREE.

Email:MarketList@aol.com for more info. (NOT DarkEcho, please?)

This is a MUST download. I have long hoped SOMEONE would compile and maintain
such a list. Christopher Holliday and associates are to be commended for this

From G. Keith Burgin (blakksoul@aol.com) :
Twisted Magazine is coming out June 4, 1996 instead of May. Since switching
to a color cover instead of b/w, we've hooked up with International
Periodical Distributors.

Chad Savage has agreed to do the front color cover, Dave Reynolds is working
on some interior art, and Michael Broom and there will be more. An interview
is in the works courtesy of John McIlveen, and  we are working on

I still need a couple of stories, so if anyone has any good horror stories
sitting around gathering dust, send them my way.

Authors featured in the premiere issue thus far: Mike Huyck, John McIlveen,
Jeff Strand, J Poet, John Rosenman, Dietmarr Trommeshauser, and still
reading.  Deadline for submissions is end of Feb.  By March 15 I will have a
couple of samples ready to sell to the distributors.  Cover price is 5.50 -
subscriptions (four issues / one year) are 16.95 including postage.
Gary Bowen, our Flying Cowboy, is delighted to report, "I just sold 'Blood
Requiem' to White Wolf's Bending the Landscape series--it's the first story
they've bought for the horror volume, which will come out in February, 1999.
A long time to wait for it to see print. However, they pay on acceptance. I
am now finally get paid more for a literary story than I was getting paid for
my pornography.

"It's been a banner week, Cecilia Tan of Circlet Press just told me she's
buying four stories from me as well, not to mention I sold Grave Passions,

"And... Lawmen: Dangerous Erotica for Gay Men is finally full. [So,] I am now
willing to start reading for Wetware again . . .Wetware is . . . exotic,
romantic,fabulous, and dreamy. I will consider fantasy stories for it, but
not high fantasy-barbarian warriors in loincloths are Right Out. I'm
interested in picking up some more stories that explore elf/fairy images, why
is it that medieval elves were always kidnapping _men_ and carrying them off
to Faery, hm?

"I'm also looking for some more stories that utilize virtual reality,
cyberspace, and other online/electronic incarnations, but these ideas have
been around long enough that cliches are starting to form, let's try and
think up something fresh for the human/machine interface, okay? I've gotten
plenty of clone/android stories, so unless you've got a radically new twist,
try something else.

"Western Trails and Lawmen have been relentlessly gay in tone, with a few
crossdressers thrown in for leavening, let's use the freedom of sf to explore
some alternative sexualities and genders. I'm willing to consider
hermaphrodites, aliens, and other entities that don't have traditional human
body configurations and who don't perceive sex according the usual
orientations humans perceive. However, I have a strong prejudice against
tentacles and blobs. Give me sexy aliens, not grotesque ones. I also get a
lot of stories in which gay sex or all sex is outlawed, I'd like to see some
opposite stories, in which being gay or being sexual is taken for granted and
not the issue that drives the story."

Contact Gary Bowen at fcowboy@tantalus.clark.net for complete GLs and info.
W. K. Pomeroy (Imaginatun2@aol.com) has now had poems in the first three
issues of Dead Lines Magazine and one accepted for the fourth issue. A story
I had published in Plot Magazine was picked up by the LongRidge Writers Group
for their anthology.
ABORIGINAL SF is not dead. Charles Ryan has received new financial backing
and will return as publisher and editor. A new issue is planned for spring.

INPHOBIA, formerly WHITE WOLF MAGAZINE, is however, dead. Subscribers will be
from John Everson (JJNet@aolcom)

A couple weeks back you were talking about good creepy mood music. You left
out a group that I recommend for repeated Halloween play almost every year in
my pop music column: This Mortal Coil on 4AD. If any darkling has not heard
the band's first two albums, It'll End In Tears or Filigree and Shadow then
Find Them.
4AD is known for its avant moody artists like Cocteau Twins and Dead Can
Dance. This Mortal Coil did three records with a floating band membership of
the 4AD label's artists. The albums relied on tape loops, silky
smooth-to-jarring vocals and a lot of weird instruments to create sometimes
Lovecraftian sideways sounds. Great stuff to write horror by. Also, for
fantasy writers, Loreena McKennitt provides great background -- she does a
kind of modern Renaissance thing, and was even recognized in the intro to the
current Year's Best in Fantasy And Horror as good "fantasy" accompaniment.
Midnight EASTERN Time

Entries as of Noon ET today (multiple entries in parentheses.) Please check
and make sure I got your submission(s,) if not, resend or email me.

Chuck Poss (3)
dedmans@perth.DIALix.oz.au (3)
dtrommes@direct.ca (4)
GMalm (3)
HPayne7665 (2)
Lay Write (2)


JAN   18- DEADLINE Midnight ET: Flash Fiction Contest
JAN   21- Workshop: Guest Author Cynthia Soroka
JAN   28- Workshop: Topic- Psychology & Public Perception of the Horror
FEB      4- Workshop: Guest Author John Shirley, "Godfather of
          Cyberpunk & at least an Uncle to Splatterpunk"
FEB    11- Workshop: Topic - Horror on the Internet
FEB    18- Workshop: Topic - Ancient Egypt as a Resource
FEB    25- Workshop: Topic - Starting Your Own Small Press Magazine
Queue Dates: Jan 8- Linus69; Jan 15-LanceKairn; Jan 22-TruckCat; Jan
29-ChuckPoss; Feb 5-RBRLW; Feb 12-MiguelC383; Feb 19 - SRDixon; Feb
26-MicheleCP; Mar 4-TippiNB; Mar 11-Poebeat; Mar 18-Totlilost/Laywrite; Mar
WORKSHOPS: 10:30 EASTERN TIME, Sundays -- Use Keyword: Writers to get there,
then select the Writers Chat Rooms, then select the Workshop Room
CRITIQUES: Please critique whenever possible. Send critiques to DarkEcho by
NOON the SATURDAY following story distribution. A critique guide is
STORY QUEUE: Send stories to DarkEcho. If you want an earlier critique than
can be assigned, the volunteer Skeleton Crew might be able to critique for
SKELETON CREW NEEDS YOU!!  Are you are willing and able to do a few extra
critiques? We need you on the S. Crew. The Crew reads over stories and
responds straight to the author. This gives us an alternative to the general
queue for longer pieces, rewrites and faster feedback. We could use more
volunteers! Email DarkEcho
KNOW ANYONE ONLINE INTO HORROR? Have them email DarkEcho to get on the
mailing list. Internet addresses can receive the newsletter.
BIOS!! Still need biographies from any darkling who hasn't sent one in yet.
Books, magazines, CDs, tapes, videos, whatever. . .to be reviewed can be
--- Squish v1.11
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 56 of 101
 From : barros@tf.spb.su                    2:5030/207.2    .он 29 .нв 96 14:03
 To   : All
 Subj : 2 DF/Horror Newsletter 1/14/96
.SPLIT: 31 Jan 96 17:03:56 @5030/207    16    02/02 +++++++++++
.From: barros@tf.spb.su (Serge Berezhnoy)
.Newsgroups: ru.sf.news
.Subject: DF/Horror Newsletter 1/14/96
.Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 14:03:31 +0000
.Organization: Terra Fantastica Publishing House
.X-Newsreader: GoldED 2.50+
.Sender: barros@tf.spb.su (Serge Berezhnoy)
snail-mailed to DarkEcho at P.O. Box 5410, Akron Ohio 44334. NO promises, but
I try.
"Supernatural horror, in all its bizarre constructions, enables a reader to
taste a selection of treats at odds with his well-being. Admittedly, this is
not an indulgence likely to find universal favor. True macabrists are as rare
as poets and form a secret society unto themselves, if only because their
memberships elsewhere were canceled, some of them from the moment of birth.
But those who have sampled these joys, once they have gotten a good whiff of
other worlds, will not be able to stay away for long. They will loiter in
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