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январь 1996 - сентябрь 1996

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IN DEPTH=====================================================================

(Editor's Note:  In the interest of up-to-the-minute reporting, war
correspondent Harry Turtledove has prepared a detailed account of Worldwar
action on all fronts, foreign and domestic.  Turtledove has produced an even
more complete status report in the February hardcover volume WORLDWAR:

NEW YORK:  The Soviet atomic bomb that detonated south of Moscow has rocked
--- Безоткатная полевая кухня номер 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 16 of 101
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .он 08 .нв 96 17:00
 To   : All
 Subj : 2 Del Rey Internet Newsletter #36 (Jan. 1996)
.SPLIT: 12 Jan 96 13:16:32 @5030/207    9     02/02 +++++++++++
those invaders back on their heels.  They plainly fear that any further
concentration of their forces against the Red Army will lead to another such
blast, and to losses they cannot afford." Captain Eric G. Iverson, U.S. Army
spokesman, described the taut situation that has lent impetus to armies
worldwide in the battle to repel the reptilian invaders known as The Race.
There can be no doubt that the United States, Germany, and perhaps Japan are
working feverishly on atomic weapons programs; these offer the best hope of
challenging the invaders on their own terms.  And the invaders will do
everything in their power to squelch these programs; their ruthless
destruction of Berlin and Washington, D.C., shows the lengths to which they
will go to terrorize mankind into submission.

Soviet representatives have met with American officials to discuss a joint
effort against the common foe, but even the persuasive words of Foreign
Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov have received tremendous suspicion.  On the
battlefields, new field weapons have given soldiers hope in the struggle
against the technologically superior foe, yet these are often in short

The invaders, driven back from Chicago last winter, are on the outskirts of
the city once more.  With control of the Mississippi valley, they have
virtually cut the United States in half, and their tanks push westward across
the Great Plains.  In some instances, they have been opposed by horse
cavalry, an institution once thought obsolete.

Germany has stabilized fronts in France and Poland, and has driven the
invaders out of their foothold in Croatia.  The Germans have also introduced
guided rockets like those the enemy employs. Soviet-German cooperation is
said to be shaky in many areas of the USSR that had been occupied by the
Nazis, but, on the whole, cooperation continues.

Despite the veil of secrecy, correspondents report that the British have made
great progress in harnessing the invaders' advanced engineering.  As when
Hitler was the foe, Great Britain's island status has protected it from the
worst of the onslaught, though air defenses have taken a severe pounding.

Ambiguous reports still continue to emerge from Poland, most revolving around
the role played by Jewish partisans. Oppressed by the Nazis, they once
welcomed the invaders as liberators.  Some still do, while others, fearing
worse enslavement, are working with human resistance movements of all
ideological stripes, from fascist to Communist.

On a vastly larger scale, China is occupied by the enemy, but the Chinese
remain unsubdued, continuing resistance under the very snouts of their
oppressors.  Resistance movements find themselves divided along ideological
lines, and the situation in that land can be described only as "fluid."

And what of the invaders themselves?  Interrogation of captured members of
the Race reveals how shocked they are at mankind's ability to resist their
onslaught.  US military leaders have expressed the hope that recent events,
especially mankind's use of atomic weapons, may create a crisis of leadership
among the enemy.  This, coupled with the fact that many invaders have found
themselves disastrously addicted to certain Earthly herbs, may give the human
race a fighting chance.

But few could have foreseen the astonishing developments of the past year,
developments that, before the invasion, would have been dismissed as science
fiction.  Military and civilian leaders alike ask, what lies ahead?  Only
time will tell.

                                  --copyright 1996 by Harry Turtledove

Q & A========================================================================

Q: I have just finished Jack L. Chalker's _The Wonderland Gambit_,  Book
   One: THE CYBERNETIC WALRUS.  In my humble opinion it was his best effort
   to date.  I am sitting on the edge of my chair waiting for the rest of the
   story.  Could you possibly tell me when the rest of the story will be
A: THE MARCH HARE NETWORK, Book Two of _The Wonderland Gambit_, will be
available May 1996, in trade paperback.

Q: The latest book I have by Katherine Kurtz is THE BASTARD PRINCE.  Does she
   have a new book out since that one?  Is she planning on writing more?
A: Katherine Kurtz is hard at work on a big fantasy to be titled KING
KELSON'S BRIDE.  She doesn't think she can deliver it to Del Rey before
spring 1996, though, so publication will be sometime in 1997--we hope.

Ellen Key Harris
Editor, Del Rey Books
Director of Online Projects, Ballantine Books
delrey@randomhouse.com                                                  |DEL|
[The Del Rey Internet Newsletter is copyright 1995 by Del Rey Books,
except for the IN DEPTH section, which is copyright by the author.
The DRIN may be reproduced only in its entirety, and not for profit.]

... Дрррамба игноррирует уррран! Блин.
--- Безоткатная полевая кухня номер 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 17 of 101
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .он 08 .нв 96 18:08
 To   : All
 Subj : .ападные фантасты: .....
Благородные дон(н)ы!

Вот и закончился наш опрос. Прошел он на удивление успешно. Активность превзошла
даже самые оптимистические прогнозы: в опросе к 5 января приняли участие 112
респондентов (список респондентов с указанием сетевых адресов у меня хранится).
А окончательные результаты таковы:

Zelazny, Roger            38
Tolkien, J.R.R.           37
Asprin, Robert            33
Heinlein, Robert A.       31
Harrison, Harry           30
Le Guin, Ursula K.        26
DragonLance               21
Lem, Stanislaw            21
Simak, Clifford           20
Herbert, Frank            16
de Camp, L. Sprague       15
Asimov, Isaac             13
Star Wars                 11
Bradbury, Ray             10
Farmer, Philip J.         10
Moorcock, Michael         10
Anderson, Poul             9
Sheckley, Robert           9
Dick, Philip K.            8
Kurtz, Katherine           8
Kuttner, Henry             7
McCaffrey, Ann             7
Stasheff, Christofer       7
Anthony, Piers             6
Brin, David                6
Bujold, Loise McMaster     6
Card, Orson Scott          6
Cook, Glen                 6
Gibson, William            6
Niven, Larry               6
Norton, Andre              5
Adams, Douglas             4
Eddings, David             4
Foster, Alan Dean          4
Laumer, Keith              4
Shaw, Bob                  4
Clement, Hal               3
Conan                      3
Forgotten Realms           3
Hambley, Barbara           3
Russel, Eric Frank         3
Simmons, Dan               3
Sterling, Bruce            3
Vance, Jack                3
Bester, Alfred             2
Borges, Jorge Luis         2
Clarke, Arthur C.          2
Ellison, Harlan            2
Goodkind, Terry            2
Howard, Robert E.          2
King, Stephen              2
Ravenloft                  2
Shepard, Lucius            2
Tolkien, Christopher       2
Vonnegut, Kurt             2
Bach, Richard              1
Banks, Iain                1
Back to the Future         1
Bear, Greg                 1
Cabell, James Branch       1
Carsac, Fransis            1
Cherryh, C. J.             1
DarkSun                    1
Delany, Samuel R.          1
de Lint, Charles           1
Hamilton, Edmond           1
Hoffmann, E.T.A.           1
Jordan, Robert             1
Knaak, Richard A.          1
Lackey, Mercedes           1
Lanier, Sterling E.        1
Leiber, Fritz              1
Lewis, C. S.               1
Masterton, Graham          1
May, Julian                1
McCammon, Robert           1
Moran, Daniel K.           1
Norman, John               1
Parkinson, Dan             1
Roberts, Keith             1
Robinson, Kim Stanley      1
Rohan, Michael Scott       1
Rucker, Rudy               1
Salvatore, R. A.           1
Spelljammer                1
Stephenson, Neil           1
Wolfe, Gene                1
Wolverton, Dave            1
Wyndham, John              1

Таковым вот образом :)

В ближайшее время я предполагаю запустить новый опрос -- на несколько иных
принципах. Следите за рекламой!

Скупой Рыцарь (эсэр, то есть)   :)

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... Привет! Живой желудочный сок!
--- Безоткатная полевая кухня номер 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 18 of 101
 From : Serge Berezhnoy                     2:5030/207.2    .ят 12 .нв 96 12:33
 To   : All
 Subj : 19 января .лди в ".тожарах"
Благородные дон(н)ы!

Субж. Я тоже буду в это время в Москве, так что... ;)

Поездка Олдей в Питер сорвалась, поэтому прошу СРОЧHО желающих получить книжки
харьковской серии "Бенефис", сборники "Книга небытия" и "Сумерки мира"
отсвистеть мне по домашнему телефону: 245-40-64.

Скупой Рыцарь (эсэр, то есть)   :)

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... Привет! Живой желудочный сок!
--- Безоткатная полевая кухня номер 2.50+
 * Origin: Camelot-89 (2:5030/207.2)

 Msg  : 19 of 101
 From : Andrey Lobazov                      2:5030/74       .ят 12 .нв 96 18:38
 To   : Danila Kovalev
 Subj : .вобода. (was: .олкодав-с)
Hi Danila!

  [Thu Jan 11 1996 15:09] Danila Kovalev ==> Assur

 DK> Приветствую, уважаемый Assur!

По настоянию комодеpатоpа, я топеpь from.

 DK>>> Именно так появляются "эльфы с катанами", и "аpбалет-пулемет"
 DK>>> ;).Явления эти сами по себе чpезвычайно забавные, но именно с таких
 DK>>> моментов начинаешь соответственно относится к тексту -
 DK>>> т.е.несеpьезно.

Это все таки - вопpос _твоего_ отношения.
/Реплика в стоpону:
    Hедавно я своей новой знакомой показал некий текст и выспpоил ее мнение:
    - Вижу как два дуpака тpеплются.
    - Жаль. Я увидел пегаса.../

 A>> хpыч вpучил непонятное лезвие и сказал, что свет,миp и покой несут
 A>> так,так и так. :-)
 DK>     Любовь к жизни слабо соотносится с жаждой ее отнятия.

Сильм не деклаpиpует любви к жизни? Впpочем это - к Дивному.

 DK> Хотя это и не аpгумет. Hу это наподобие иpокеза в латах и на боевом
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